Sunday, September 19, 2021

Lotte- Ghost Cities podcast



Hi  Lotte here. Today in Lockdown I have been researching about Ashgabat a practically abandoned city found in the strange country of Turkmenistan I made a podcast and a podcast script about it. The hardest part of this task was definitely going into Lockdown I had already done some research on it but I had left it at school the day we went into Lockdown but its okay now. I hope you enjoy this post! Kia Kaha stay safe and wash your hands.     

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Harrison- The History of Dogs


The history of dogs

 Today for at home school one of our can dos were history on dogs above is some research on the history of dogs and some pictures of my unties dogs and our dog Alfie I hope you like it. The easiest part for me was watching the video on the history of dogs because all you had to do is listen. And the most difficult part for me was remembering all the information from the video. By Harrison 

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Jackson- Olympics

Olympics research

What was the first Olympic task?

It started with boxing, running, hoplite race, pankration, four-horse

chariot race, pentathlon, wrestling, long-distance running, and

double stade foot race,

How did the Olympics start/when

The Olympic games started in the 3000 every four years 50,000 people

came to participate. The Greeks loved the sport so they made up theidea of the Olympics.

How does sport get into the


The Olympic games have expanded from 241 to more than 10,000

competitors since the original reestablishments in Athens with the 1896

games. Dozens of additions and changes have been made in the

Olympic program since 1896.

What sports are there in the


There are a lot of sports like soccer, rugby, swimming, boxing and

basketball and 36 More!

All sports in Tokyo Olympic sport /

What country has the most medals?

The United States has 79 china in 2nd place with 70 and in third place for

the most medals is ROC

hi this is my Olympic research took me 2 weeks to do hope you enjoy

my favourite fact was when they started i was just amazed

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Keil, Jari and Slade- Ghost Cities



For the last few weeks Jari, Slade, and I had to write about a ghost city and we picked the Chernobyl disaster I hope you enjoy.  

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Harry- Speech


Speech - Why you shouldn't play with lethal weapons

 Have you noticed that knives are quite sharp? It's almost like they're meant to cut things! 

Hello, Ciao, Hola and Guten tag. My name is Harry and I’m going to talk to you about why you shouldn't play with lethal weapons.

Now, I have two stories involving sharp knives. I'm in Hokitika with my friends making a knife at a workshop and I ask the teacher if it's sharp enough-she runs her finger along the blade- It wasn't sharp. I go back to filing the blade and then I eventually stop, and remember how she tested how sharp it was, and let me tell you personally that it was sharp. 

This story is about bagels. Now I like bagels, and when I got home from school one day I made one. I got a knife and cut… I myself on the finger NOT the bagel which was quite unfortunate, Because bagels are really nice. Now I know what you're thinking and no I was not deprived of that delicious seagull, I mean bagel. 

Now kids, just don't play with knives it'll hurt, quite a bit, and I know you think I'm one of those people who are completely crazy for safety, but if I was you wouldn't be listening to this speech since I wouldn't have any stories. I'm almost fine because I have lots of experience and I'm a bit careful. Keep away from knives that are bad for your health which most are. 

Now time for some facts. In the USA 1.56 in 1000 people get injured from knives which doesn't make too much sense to me because some people get half an injury. Put your hands up...if you have injured yourself with a knife? According to my statistics, 1 in 4 people in my class has not had “near-death” experiences, those lucky ones. Now to the next story!

I think we can all agree that flaming arrows are cool, and I really liked them-I decided to make one and it worked, but it was very intense when the flame was 100s of millimeters away from my hand. I am forever traumatized from that very moment. I later found out that a crossbow works better than a bow since arrows are heavier so it's not as powerful which makes the fire still burn when it hits its target, and it makes a cool whoosh when it flies through the air.

This is a bit off-topic so don't be surprised if you are confused. Unless your parents are okay with you nearly killing yourself don't try this at home. Crossbows are very powerful. Mainly I'm saying this to make sure your parents don't sue me when you have spontaneously combusted using a crossbow, make sure your parents don't even think about suing me, I don't have a lawyer but please don't, cause I've heard it's not fun getting sued.

 About 500 people each year are killed from fire but archery is relatively safe with an average of 0.57 injuries per 1000 people. Still, those percentages don't make much sense to me. Now if you somehow haven't got the message, weapons are dangerous. I don't really have anything factual because most people should know that weapons are, Let's put it… bad for your health.

Overall, just don't play with weapons, (which is something I need to learn) but it's something you might too. My friend wanted to make an explosive because that's fun, And he along with his dad got some very explosive stuff and started making small explosives-BANG they blew up the kitchen. Now when I go over to their house and go past the kitchen the wall looks like it's been burnt but they fixed the rest. 

Thank you for listening to my speech      

This is my speech about why you shouldn't play with lethal weapons

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Katelyn- Ghost Cities



Hi. In New Zealand, there is a lockdown. Which means that it is online school again. Before lockdown, at school we have been learning about ghost cities. We had to pick a ghost city from this website. I choose tianducheng in China, it is a replica of paris. Then we had to make something to teach others about it too. I made a slide show, News report, Video, Podcast and a website. I am really proud of myself and happy that I have made all of this so that people can learn in different ways about tianducheng. I enjoyed this activity because it was fun to learn about something different because in class, we usally do not research about ghost cities. This was difficult because this work was due tommorrow and all I had was a few things on the website and a facts. But I tried my hardest to make all of this. On the website I was trying to put the podcast that I made onto it but it was not working. I hope you learnt something from this. 
I hope you enjoyed :)
By Katelyn.M

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Jesse Key Word Hunt


Key word hunt


So today we have learned about a story of a 9-year-old boy who wanted to ride the whole of NZ and to raise money for St John.  We read the story and thought about the most important parts of the story and then wrote them in this keyword hunt.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Katelyn's Energy Inquiry


Inquiry - Potential and Kinetic Energy - By Katelyn


In class, we have been learning about an energy topic. We got to choose a type of energy. I choose to do Potential and Kinetic energy because I thought that it was going to be fun and because I like learning about Potential and Kinetic energy. We already learned about Potential and Kinetic energy last term/1st term for the year 2021 and I really enjoyed it. I enjoyed making this because I like to make things that can teach others with what I learned. This was difficult because I was stressed, I thought I was not going to finish it. But after an hour or so, I finished it. I made a speech and two microphones as well because one of the things that have potential and kinetic energy is a microphone, when you drop the mic after saying something epic or funny or if you just wanted to do that. 

Hope you enjoyed :)
By Katelyn.M
See you next time! :)

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Taj- Torty the Tortoise


Torty the tortoise


Today my class had to do an Anzac activity because it is coming up Anzac Day. I liked doing this because it was fun and we got a chose what we could do and I like making photos and there was an option of doing it so I did it. one bit was hard and that was getting the right background so don't hate it. 

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Jackson- Persuasive writing

 Class pet

Dear miss farr

                                                                                                                                                                           I am your student jackson.

I am writing you this because

 I want a class puppy it could be Alex

The first reason! 

Do you know how fun it would be to have a class puppy?

Well, it would be fun because we could teach it tricks and play with it to make it fit. We could go to the beach and run it around the field twice and make everyone love it! 

Second reason!

It would be great to have one if we did any way everyone won't be so bored you could say we can play with the pup if you guys do your work

Third reason!

Everyone would love it they would play with Alex and sit with Alex if he's lonely

If we do everyone would be respectful and help each other to finish so we could play with him

I think we should  it will be fun overall if we do that to make it fit and we fit is well filter than usually if you don't agree its find

by jackson

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Harrison- Ware Mascots


T-Shaped literacy


Today in Whenua we started our ANZAC T-Shaped literacy, above is a picture of my first activity I have done hope you enjoy it. The easiest part for me was picking an activity to do because it was the most interesting one and I like things about animals in the war. The most difficult part for me was getting a lot of information because there wasn't a lot in that book that i was reading. By Harrison 

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Elise- Oil Spills



hi everyone hope your doing OK today we where doing things on oil spills 
we had to draw some thing  that could possibly clean up the oil in the sea I made mine creative I named it the hairy submarine because thats what it is.Its hairy because hair sucks up oil.Hope you enjoy 

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Katelyn- Volcanoes


Brainstorm Of Volcanoes


Today my class is going to athletics. Miss Farr (my teacher) is doing discuss so she is not here either so the rest of the class htat did not make it in athletics, has to be split up. I am in Taiao. Taiao is the class next to Whenua. (Whenua is my class) Miss Farr sent us activities to do when we are split today. One of the activies was for reading, we had to make a brainstorm about what we know about volcanoes with 2 people or 3. I worked with Elise. Miss Farr gave us a set of question that she said we could answer if we wanted to. I choose to but Elise did not. (that is fine that she did not because it was optional) I enjoyed this activity because it was fun to work with Elise. I would never really work with Elise in class but I might have a different thoughts about who I work with next time. This was difficult because I do not really know that much about volcanoes but I am happy that Miss Farr told us to.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Manawa Solar Panels


 hi for the past week we have been learning about solar panel and energy today we finished making a model of our school and add leaves as are solar panels  and where we think it should go so I and my friends  made are  one out of cardboard then we had to make a video of  are model it toke me about 1 week to do this 

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Ella- Solar Panels


Solar panels for Paroa School


Today Milla and I created a small map of Paroa school (Our school), then we added leaves which we used as solar panels. We added solar panels to most buildings in the school. We have been looking at energy for about 4 weeks now but we are doing energy for 10 weeks. For the past 1 week, we have been focusing on solar energy and we had to create what our school would look like with solar panels and why we need them. Milla and I learnt that solar panels are really expensive, they cost around 3,000 to 30,000 dollars. We enjoyed making the model, we started off by making it 3D  but then we realised we only had one day left so we made is 2D instead.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Harry- Solar Panels


Solar panels


Today we made a model of our school and why we would need solar panels. our model shows the school we also learned about solar panels and how much KW they generate in sunny conditions. I enjoyed researching solar panels.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Curtis- Tāwhirimātea



 How do wind and the sun affect your daily life? The sun affects your daily life by giving you light and some people power. The wind affects your daily life by being able to fly a kite.

What activities do you do that engage the energy of the sun and wind?

I go outside and play with my dog by throwing a bone or a dog toy for her. I also go to the beach and feel the breeze when it is really hot so I don’t faint.

             _                         _

The ways Tawhirimatua influences us.

He influences me by making me want to try bodyboarding because the waves he makes look cool and fun to bodyboard on.

This week we have been researching more energy stuff. I liked that we had a book to read off of. I didn't like that it was hard to find the stuff I wanted to wright down.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Milla- Oil Spills


Oil spills


  Hi how are you. today we did Oil spills, as year 6's we don't go to tech like the year 7 and 8's do so when there at tech we do oil spills. so we had to do a drawing on a piece of paper or on our Chromebook I think I was the only one that did it on my Chromebook but I'm not sure. fire extinguishers burn oil so that why I did a fire extinguisher. I had to use shapes to make the fire extinguisher (the bubbles took forever to do but I managed). thanks for reading. Milla

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Keil- Solar Panel Model


why we should have solar energy at our school


today we did T-shaped literacy and we had to make a model of the school and explain how and why we should have solar power at our school. We explain how much money and energy it would take and help us I hope you enjoy it.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Emily- Persuasive Writing


letter to the PTA

 kia ora PTA, I'm Emily today I'm writing to you because I think paora school should have a rock climbing wall. I think it will be a brilliant idea because it will improve your flexibility and your strength.

Why should we have a rock climbing wall at school??

having a rock climbing wall will bring people being more interested in rock climbing and you can practice your balance it will give heaps more people something fun to do. It's good for your fitness your mind, doing something new can take bad thoughts off your mind.

what uses is it to people?

There could be a person that comes in every day to do rock climbing lessons and having races to the top and back.

what will it help with?

having access to a climbing wall, and using it leads to a marked improvement of physical literacy in terms of balance, agility, and coordination. climbing is a great form of exercise with many health benefits

 In conclusion, I think paroa school should have a rock climbing wall. It will put more smiles on faces l, it will give the students some new to do. It will help everyone build confidence when there climbing. Rock climbing can teach you skills in how to properly rock climb.

kia ora today we had to finish doing our letters about whatever people picked. We had to research about it and put it in our books them write it up on our blogs. I learned to never give up and never stop trying and it work I learned that do rock climbing can clear your mind.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Tahlia- Solar Panels


Our solar panels work with EC and HM


Hi there today I have been working on this with my mates Harlen and Emily this is a thing about how our school How it will use a solar panel to work for our whole school and our little buddies will see who the best-looking one and I think we will win hehe. The best part of doing this was just having fun and burning my finger.  

Monday, May 31, 2021

Jesse- Solar Panels


Solar panels

So today we did how many solar panels does it take to have our class have solar panels it was fun making this and we are also making a real-life model to make solar panels so that's what we did this week for today.
And this is what we did for the 3d model
Made by Jesse, harry,Curtis

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Lotte- Solar Panels


solar panels, why we need them


Today still continuing on with solar energy I made this drawing on solar panels. In this drawing you'll find how much solar will cost to a school there safety and much more. The hardest part of this task was making sure everything I was putting down was environment friendly. I hope you enjoy this post!  

Monday, May 24, 2021

Katie-Oil Spill


Oil spill solution.

Hello, For a few weeks we have been learning about oil spills. We did an experiment, we got an container and put water in it, then we put canola oil in it then penguins and we had to save the penguins and figure out how to   get the oil out of the water. Next we draw a picture on how we could pick up the oil if it was in the sea. I draw a rubber ducky with hair on the bottom and on the beak. you can release and dip the beak in the water because it also has hair and fur on it. For disposal I had the idea to burn it in an oven or fire or something like that. Hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Dean- Tokelau energy


how does tokelau get its electricity


today we finished our t shaped literacy my favorite part was finishing it because if we didn't finish it we would have to do this at home and my least favorite part was reading the pages to get the information to write down because it took a very long time too read the story.  

Monday, May 17, 2021

Daisy- Pelorus Jack


pelorus jack


Today we are doing ANZAC reading. I did a drawing about pelorus jack, a dog that sailed the HMS New Zealand. I chose to do this because it sounds awesome that a dog can sail on a ship for that long. what I learnt, and thought was wicked, was that when over 1 thousand people died a little dog survived.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Eden- Torty the Tortoise

 Hello, everyone! How are you? I hope you are having a wonderful day today! So my class Whenua is working on something new for T-Shaped Literacy. Can you guess what it is? We are learning about Anzac and some of the animals that went to war. So we were supposed to choose a story that was on the class blog and read the book. Then we were supposed to pick something off the chart and do that certain activity. There were many activities to do, but you can't do the same activity for the same book. So I chose to read Torty the lucky Tortoise. Torty is a Tortoise that was found by Stewart. Stweart took Torty into his home after she got ran over by a wheel. Then she went through a lot of things, she got stolen, found, in a fire, and through hibernation. This is the first activity that I chose off the chart. The activity I chose was: Are there any animals or natural settings in your book? If yes, draw and describe them. If no could there have been? Draw and Describe them. So I drew Torty and what she looked like, I also described her. I found this easy and hard. I also found this fun. This took me about 15 minutes to make. I also decided to write my text, and the text is down below this caption. I also put a picture of what Torty looks like. Fun Fact: Tortoises are ancient, Tortoises have been around for over 200 million years- longer than lizards, birds, mammals, crocodiles, and snakes. Thanks, bye, Eden.

Torty is a small tortoise. She has two-wheel marks on the top of her shell. When she was found, by her owner, she was around one hundred years old. While currently, she is two hundred years old. She has faded marks on her back. She is grey, black, and a very light orangey yellow. She has two little cute nostrils and a cute innocent face. She has lost some toes on her back toes. Her feet are scaly and rough. Overall she looks adorable. 

Monday, May 10, 2021

Jari- First World War Mascots


first WORLD WAR mascots

today we did some ANZAC stuff and one of the activities was to create a book cover for the book that we read and we read a book wot was about first world war mascots and here is ar cover I did it with a buddy and hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Eden's Electricity Poster


E.M How Electricity is made.

Kia Ora everyone! How are you? I hope you are having a great day today! So for T-shaped Literacy, my class were supposed  to make a model or draw a poster about wind, electricity, or other stuff. I decided to pick how electricity is made. This took me about 1 hour to make and finish. I found this fun and cool cause I enjoy doing writing. I also found this easy and hard cause I didn't really know what to draw then after a bit I got the hang of it. Please go and check out my work down below! Bye thanks, Eden.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Harlen and Tahlia's Hydropower

 Hi, there I'm Tahlia this is a blog about a podcast around how hydropower works and how it gets to your house me and my friend Harlen tried very hard to do this hope you like it.  

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Wood is Good

 Today Wood is Good and the Road Safety truck came to our school to talk about the logging industry and how to stay safe around trucks. We really enjoyed exploring the road safety truck and learning about the different career choice that are available in the forestry industry. We also heard about the way that the forestry industry work to ensure that the work they do is sustainable. 

Tahlia's Kinetic and Potential Energy Comparison


Hi there today I have been watching this video about kninetic and potential energy. My favourtie part of this blog was finding out the info. 

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Jari and Hunter's Snake Report

Today we did a quiz and after that quiz we had to do something about it and something that was on the quiz

so we did it about the snake that came to NZ for a visit the snake was dead so we are ok. We did a podcast on video and we had a partner it was fun enjoyable but good.  

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Quaid's Sport Description


My weekend sport

 My weekend sport hasn't started but I decided to tell you anyway about them. League is a contact sport where you tackle the person that's holding the ball. Once the tackle is made and you hold them for 3 seconds the ref says "held" then he would say back in line with me. After 6 tackle's its hand over to the team that just tackled. To get a try (score) a point you have to put the ball down just past the line where the goal post is. (the big H-looking thing) I'm really good and I went in a west coast team vs. canterbury and Kaiapoi bulldogs. We won against Kaiapoi but we lost against canterbury.

Rugby is a fun hard-hitting sport when you tackle someone you got to try to steal the ball back off them into your team's hands then try to score a try we are real good at this sport we only lost kiwi(Hokitika) and Blakektown we in against all the others though.

Touch is a noncontact sport if someone was running you put your hand out and touch them with our hand and say TOUCH!!! out loud you only have 5 touchs then hand over. If the ball touchs the ground when pasted and no one catches it. Its hand over. I have been to nelson to play west coast touch before and we did pretty good.

These are my three weekend sport and I am very good at all of these. When you stick with something and try be better and you are getting better thats how you become good at sports and I have stuck with these sports for a while now and I am good. Can you tell me your weekend sport.

Today I write all this about my weekend sport My league, rugby and touch. I write what do how to play. This is a blog contrat so you can do when you want and I wanted to do a blog contract and I picked my weekend sport. This was fun easy to do I love doing these things.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Renewable energy

 For the past two weeks for literacy we have been looking at renewable energy. After we completed all of our learn tasks we were asked to make a model of our school and research what renewable energy would work for our school. We then had to research how much solar panels would cost and if they would actually work for our school. There has been some incredible learning going on and we would love if you could leave us some comments on our blogs.

Harrison's Word Maps


T-shaped literacy

 Today in Whenua we had to do the next t-shaped literacy activity above is the three energy word maps I did hope you enjoy. The easiest part for me was getting the picture on the word map because all you had to do was search up something like a negative feedback loop and it will have pictures of a negative feedback loop. The most difficult part for me was getting a lot of facts because most websites had the same information on them. By Harrison

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Health Benefits of Exercise

 Every Wednesday Whenua and Taiao do the 4J's run. Today Miss Farr joined us and was shocked that half the class only went 100 metres and then hid in a bush. As a class we did research about the health benefits on exercise and why we need to do it. Here is my DLO.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Luke's Pool of Knowledge


pool of knowledge.


this was fun in the making because we thoght of funny things but we didn't put it in it was also fun to insert the photos. evryone cracked up wene tane put energy drinks give you power.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Lotte's Brainstorm


brain storm on solar and wind energy


Today we did a brain storm on wind and solar energy we had to answer two questions: how does the wind and sun effect our lives and what activities involve these two types of energy. The hardest part of this task was making enough information. I hope you enjoy post!